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7 Moves to a Better Butt!!!

10 Apr

We all want buns of steel.  Whether that means giving our current butt a lift or tightening what we think may be a little too flabby, we just want those cheeks to look good in our skinny jeans without having to cover them up with a long shirt!

Perform each of the following exercises in order, one after another, and repeat the entire seven-move sequence a total of three times. Practice these exercises every other day, two to three days per week, and you’ll be strutting your stuff in skinny jeans in no time.



Stand with feet hip-width apart, feet facing forward, arms by your sides. Sit back and down slowly, as if you were sitting into a chair. Keep your back straight and lower yourself as far as you can. Keep your eyes looking ahead. Immediately rise out of the squat and return to standing.

Do a set of 15 reps. Once you can squat with your thighs parallel with the floor, you can increase to 3 sets of 25 reps and add light dumbbells which you hold at your hips for extra resistance.

2-Forward Lunges



Stand with feet hip-width apart. Step a wide step forward with your right foot, and bend both knees as far as you can without losing your balance until your right thigh is parallel to the floor and your left thigh is straight up and down. Your back foot will be flexed. Press off your front foot and step back into starting position. If you can’t go all the way to parallel, start by going partway down. If you need to, stabilize yourself with your hands on your hips, or a stable object.

Do a set of 10 repetitions on each side. Increase gradually to a set of 20 reps. As you get stronger, hold light dumbbells for added resistance.

3-Plie Jumps


Stand with feet wide apart, with your feet turned out, and hands on hips. Stand tall with abs in. As you squat, press knees wide over your feet. You should feel a stretch along your inner thighs. In one explosive movement, push from your feet to straighten your legs and hop into the jump off the floor. As your feet come back to the floor, try to land softly, absorbing the landing from toes through heels.

Do a set of 15 reps. As you get stronger, challenge yourself to do up to 25 jumps. Next, it’s time to take your workout to a mat.

4-Fire Hydrants


Start on all fours, knees directly under your hips, and hands directly below your shoulders. Keep your back and neck straight and look forward. Keeping your knee bent, raise your right leg out to the side, until your thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your pelvis stable. Slowly lower your leg back to starting position.

Repeat 10 times on one side, then switch legs. As you get stronger, increase to 20 repetitions on each side.



Start on all fours, knees directly under your hips, and hands directly below your shoulders. Keeping your right knee bent 90 degrees, lift right leg until thigh is parallel to floor. Your foot should be flexed. Pump the sole of your foot toward ceiling in a small movement. Maintain your stability and pump 10 times.

Return to starting position. Repeat on the other leg. As you get stronger, increase your repetitions to 20 on each side.

6-Bridge Lift


Lie on your back on your mat, knees bent, feet flat on the floor near your buttocks, arms along your sides with palms flat on floor. Contract your abdominal muscles and slowly lift your hips off floor so that your body forms a straight line from knees to shoulders. Squeeze your glutes tight, as you press your hips toward the ceiling. Hold for a beat, then lower slowly back down to the floor.

Repeat 10 times. As you get stronger, increase the repetitions to 20.



Lie on your side on mat with your hips and shoulders in a straight line, head lying on your outstretched arm. Bend your knees so that your thighs are at a 90-degree angle to your body. Stack your hips, shoulders, and knees directly on top of each other. Use your abs to hold this alignment as you do the exercise.

Keeping your big toes touching, open your top leg up like a clam shell opening. Press your knee open only as far as it can go without disturbing the alignment of your hips. Slowly return your knee back down. Repeat 10 times. You should begin to feel a burn in your upper hip muscle.

Repeat the same exercise on the opposite side. Build up to 20 reps on each side.

Now if you’re butt isn’t sore the day after and you’re not having a difficult time every time you try to sit down then you didn’t work hard enough!  Increase your reps or add light weights to the routine.  Remember…in order to see results you need to train hard.  Just going through the motions isn’t going to cut it!

Until  next time,
Have a fit and fabulous day!!

You DO have time to exercise!!

27 Mar

I have had many people come up to me asking what they can do to get started with exercise.  Everyone wants a quick fix.  The most common obstacle people face is time and not having enough of it and they want something motivating without having to go to the gym for an hour or hire a personal trainer to get it.  Well I am telling you that it’s possible.  You can get a good workout in a very short period of time, and if you’re consistent enough, you WILL see results!

My go-to advice ALL THE TIME is BodyRock TV.  The exercises are no more than 12-18 minutes in length and anyone can do them without requiring any fancy equipment.  They explain the exercises well and most of the time, the routines consist of full body workouts.  They are high interval, high intensity training routines that are sure to make you work up a good sweat while getting that heart rate up.  The exercises are not easy.  But what do you expect?  You don’t think you can really get results in 15 minutes if you’re just dogging it do you?

Remember this folks…you NEED to put in the effort.  That doesn’t always mean time, or at least not lots of it, but it definitely means giving it all you got when you got it!  Think about it – just 15 minutes a day!!  Most of us spend much more time than that either surfing the internet, sending messages on our phones or even just watching tv.   Why not spend that time more efficiently doing something good for yourself?

If you’re not ready to commit to giving yourself the hour a day you should be putting aside to be active, then start here.  Start with just a few minutes.  Once you start seeing the results I can guarantee you’ll suddenly “find” even more time to incorporate more workouts in your day and then you can call me to kick your butt!!! 😉

Until next time,

Have a fit and fabulous day!!
