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It’s Spring DETOX time!

1 Apr

Tired, cranky, puffy eyes, swollen hands and just that “I feel so gross” feeling.  These are the morning-after effects of too much sugar and if any of you celebrated Good Friday and Easter this past weekend you know EXACTLY what I am talking about!  I am usually  pretty good with self-discipline and I apologize to those of you who may be disappointed in me for succumbing to this awful substance and especially to those of you who are able to say you didn’t even have a single piece of chocolate all weekend…I am proud of you and keep it up!!  As for me, well, I’m disappointed in me but I am not beating myself up over it.  I don’t dwell on the past…you can’t undo it so why obsess over things you can’t change?  I am more of a doer so I am just going to do something about it and that’s why I have decided to make today the first day of my spring detox!!!


06.30.11 009


I usually detox twice a year and I knew I was going to be doing this detox and maybe that’s why I over indulged yesterday, but whatever the reason, I am determined to rid my body of sugar once again, not to mention the horrible amount of antibiotics I was forced to take when I got strep throat and flu-like symptoms over March Break.  Today is Day 1 of the new “old” me ;).

I am doing the Wild Rose detox again because it’s one I have used before and I know it works.  Even though it may not be one of the strictest cleanses out there (you’re still allowed to drink coffee and eat certain animal proteins), I am choosing to go hard core and will be going purely vegan for at least the first half of the cleanse (6 days) which means no fish or eggs, which are allowed in the duration of the 12-day cleanse and are a part of my usual diet.  I am keeping my coffee though!!  I drink it black and I’m allowed two cups a day so you can bet I will be savouring every sip!  My weekly Starbucks soy latte is going to have to wait until later though.  I will be eating a lot more leafy greens and may be incorporating some more green shakes to be sure I am getting enough every day.

You don’t need to actually take any detox pills or liquid to cleanse your body.  You can do it all naturally so you should give it a shot!!! Try it for at least a week or 10 days if you’re up for the challenge.  Now is as good a time as any.  For a guideline of what to avoid when cleansing here it is:

  • no sugar (or sugar substitutes- including stevia, agave, honey etc)
  • no wheat
  • no grains
  • no dairy
  • no red meat
  • no alcohol
  • no processed food
  • limited fruit such as apples and pears and berries

I’ll keep you posted on my progress!

Until next time,

Hope you have a fit and fabulous day!
